Monday, 9 May 2011

Imogen Heap, civil partnership me.

I suppose looking at it commercially, Adele is one of the biggest ispirations to female vocalists out there at the moment. And I don't fault her I really don't she is amazing and has a lot of depth that everyone can relate to but I want to talk about the artist I feel is overlooked in the music industry quite a bit.

Imogen Heap

Imogen Heap started in the mid 90's in a band called Acasia and although I guarentee most people who read this (if ever) wouldn't be able to recall any of this bands work. I can, but I only discovered it after I discovered Imogen Heap. Imogen Heap was more well known for her work with the band Frou Frou but this is not where I think her best work was done. Imogen Heap as a soloist is absolutely without any doubt one of the best musician's of my lifetime (so far). Her album iMegaphone is a mix of Electronica and pop that makes some kind of freak elctop baby. Everything she writes, records and prodcuces mainly herself with little help from outside partys and it really shows in her raw work that sounds absolutely perfect the way it is. A lifetimes dream of mine as a singer/songwriter is that I would meet her to pick her brain one day (infact I hope she accidentally stumbles on this whilst googling her own name out of curosity and thinks what the hell. A girl can dream heh?). Getting back to iMegaphone, 'Come Here Boy' a track from the album, is the first song I ever heard by Heap and I was instantly hooked and bought all her work. Anyway, I could ramble on all day about Imogen Heap and I hope to review her new work as soon as I get a good collection of songs.
Imogen Heap is currently working on a 'concept' album where people send her in different sounds and she records a track over a two week period every 3 months and releases it immediately. She has recently brought out 'Lifeline' Source - Wikipedia and Imogen Heaps official website

Imogen Heap's 'Hide and Seek' was recently used in a remix, and all of a sudden more people seemed to be listening to her music. But I really wish Heap was advertised more so I could share my love for her with a thousand other people. Although as a musician myself I appreciate she probably has the perfect career as a musician, making a good living, has a good following without the hassle of mega fame. So, I take it back, this amazing woman actually has it all.

Come Here Boy (1998)

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