Thursday, 15 September 2011

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Juliette Valduriez

As soon as I found her I had to write about her. Juliette Valduriez is 22 from Paris and offically my musical hero. Her guitar shredding genius and composition ability has me absolutely taken a-back. She is amazing.

Whenever I see someone like Juliette, it makes me deeply depressed that I never got an instrumental lessons when I was younger. I am learning to play the guitar now, yes, but I will never reach the standard of someone like her, who was obviously born with most of the talent but who has also been technically trained from a young age. I envy everything about her yet I adore her at the same time.

But she is very mysterious. As I have attempted to research her my notes came out something like this:-


I would like to see more of Juliette Valduriez, thats for sure.

Saturday, 3 September 2011

Galtres WIN, Wakestock FAIL, Uni and bands you should listen to.

Hello Musite! It's been a while. I suppose this summer has been far to busy!

Galtres 2011

I arrived at Galtres nice and early, it was raining but we set up camp and got some lunch easily, then wandered into the queue for our wristbands and free glasses which went smoothly. We headed straight for the beer and cider tent and got out our voucher books only to be told we can try before we buy. So try we did. After a hell of a lot of booze I wandered over to the open mic tent and made a fool of myself and really enjoyed myself. Cheap drinks, cheap entertainment (me) I was in festival heaven already. I was very happy I got to try Churos for the first time ever! Saw Puressence play which was just as good as always (with a few minor sound problems) stumbled happily back to the tent through the now incredibly sloppy mud and slept. The days followed just as nicely and the reason I don't have much to write about it is because it was cheap, entertaining, had a brilliant atmosphere and some of the best beer, cider and ale I've ever had. All in all it was amazing. So were the Levelers!

Wakestock 2011

Never again. Me and Grace got a lift to bangor station all excited for our amazing weekend in North Wales listening to some of our favourite artists, drinking and socialising. As we waited for the 'coach' we had paid £7.50 each way for, we lugged our luggage (that was all bound together with bungee ropes so we could pull it all in one) we got out our camp chairs and waited. When the double decker bus that looked like it was 30 years old pulled up to pick us up our faces dropped as we realised there were only two buses coming and around 200 people waiting for a ride to the festival site. First disaster of the weekend a heavy handed bus driver yanks graces suitcase and snaps the handle, bundles it to the back of the bus along with hundreds of other bags. We took our seats and you could actually feel the weight of the 100+ bags pulling the back of the bus down. Then began the 10mph journey to the site which took over an hour on a shitty bus.

We arrived in the glorious sunshine with our optimism still in tact. But as we dragged graces now broke suitcase (now being dragged by one of the bungee ropes) as we got round the corner there it was. Not a queue being kept in order by the fantastic security staff but a mush of people trying to squeeze there way to the front. So we sighed, realised that we would just have to wait and it would only be a couple of hours. 8 hours, 2 bag loses, one cup of human piss, one angry chav climing over our bags, sweat and a few bruises later we were finally almost in. Our frustration was echoed throughout the crowd and although so far it had been an absolute nightmare and most of our optimism already out the window we were determined to make the most of it. As we had our bags checked, wristbands attached and ID's checked we were being ushered along as quickly as possible by eager people who had been waiting just as long as us but who's patience had just gone straight out the window. With Graces broken bag and my broken 'zen' we attempted to find somewhere to camp. We pitched our tent, met some lovely Welsh girls and things began to look up after the nightmare that was that day.

That night we ventured into the town, grabbing our £7 bus passes we had pre-paid for only to discover that the bus wasn't running for another hour so we would have to get a taxi. Armed with a haggle savy Welsh girl we managed to get into pwiheli for under a tenner for 4 of us. We got some stuff and headed back on the bus only to discover the had thrown the whole bus pass idea out the window and we could just get on the bus for free which infuriated me. Later in the weekend they decided that the bus passes were actually essential and me and Grace didn't know what the fuck had happened to ours. Great.

Aside from people who were immediately camping near us. Most were utter cunts. Rude little scallies in there shorts that reached so far up there arse I was sure they bought them from an underwear shop and not topshop, boys (not men) in their hipster chinos and holister T-shirts (all a farce to cover up there ASBO like behaviour) barging past people, opening tents to wind everyone up, passing judgement on every person. I wasn't aware it was a catwalk show, I thought it was a festival. Me and Grace and our new welsh friends still had a brilliant time back at the tents together finding out the amazing goings on inside the festival such as a girl shitting in someone elses tent and refusing to move and also a woman who had shit herself in a portaloo and took off all her clothes, left them in there then ran away naked.

Me and Grace made the most of the weekend that we could and although we had a good complain here and there (it's what we do best) Ed Sheeran was amazing so was Biffy and The Wombats and everyone else. We absolutely loved the Wakeboarding and the sun that appeared for us that weekend. But lets just say I think we'll avoid Wakestock festival next time.

p.s The food and drink was really fucking ridiculously priced.


Enough of the complaining, I know. I'm moving down to the University of Chester on the 25th of September to study a BA in Popular Music Performance so hopefully I'll have more time to to blog. I'm moving into Fisher House which is Full Board and saves me a lot of cooking! Excitement is just taking over me at the moment, i'm trying to put off packing as much as I can!
Also, my band will be opening PULP in Chester on the 2nd of October hopefully (which is the day before my birthday!) which I am really looking forward to as well.

That's enough for now..

Heres some unsigned bands I've recently become infuriated with because people don't seem to recognise them enough...

Club Smith

The Birdman Rallies

Ellipsis (haha, I'm a cheeky bitch)